1. Development, delivery and object adjustment of local/network simulation software complexes for routine switching generation (SSC RS) for the formation and maintenance of persistent skills of operating and dispatching personnel to eliminate accidents’ occurrence and development at the electric power substation and in Ukraine’s UES electrical networks.
Today, SSC RS++are installed and successfully operated at all high-voltage (220 kV and more) substationsof NPC Ukrenergo(about 130).
2. Development, delivery and the object adjustment of full-range mode simulators (FRMS) for operating and dispatching personnelof all levels of energy systems control energy and their interconnectionfor the formation and maintenance of persistent skills of operating and dispatching personnel to eliminate large system and intersystem accidents’ occurrence and development at the electrical networks of UES of Ukraine.
Now the first FRMS are being in a test mode and are available for review at the company site (infoteс.kiev.ua, infotec.ua).
3. Systems and equipment for substation automation to create energy-efficient power supply systems by reducing losses of electricity of good quality in electrical networks 750/500/330/110/35/10/6 kV, includingEMS&SCADA.
4. Adapting GIS technology of INTERGRAPH company.
5. Development and implementation of distance e-learning and personnel training (DCSPELT).
In 2015 the beginning of commercial operation of our system (DCSPELT) in NPC Ukrenergodesigned for simultaneous teaching and training of above 5000 people is planned.
6. The development of emergency response training scenarios (ERT), organization of classes and training with operational and dispatching personnel of regional power companies that attend professional advancement training courses on the basis of the Center for Professional Advancement Minenergougol of NTUU KPI; organization of classes and training with dispatch personnel of NEC Ukrenergo on the basis of profession-oriented CPA.
7. Scientific experimental researchin the field of calculations and analysis of the operating modes of the large electric power systems and their interconnectionusing the latest technology of cloud computing and virtual models of their components.